Friday, December 28, 2007
People who have absolutely no idea how to tell a story. Hint: if its gone on for more than 2 minutes and you are not even close to arriving at the beginning of your point, and/or the person you are talking to turns away and begins to work on their computer, responding only with "Uh-huh(s)" and various grunts, that person is not engaged.
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Monday, December 24, 2007
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
The metal leg of my new desk at my new job is right between my knees. File cabinets -- and coworkers -- on either side of me prevent lateral repositioning. You gotta be fucking kidding me. What am I doing with my life?
At the interview: Yes, you should hire me because I have done this job before.
At my new desk: Oh shit, that's right. I hated this job the first time I had it.
At my new desk: Oh shit, that's right. I hated this job the first time I had it.
Monday, December 17, 2007
That there is a video like this that has only gotten 68,000 views in over a year and I have no clue whether this was followed up by *anyone* in congress in the last seven years!
Friday, December 14, 2007
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
A fucking singing Scooby Doo Christmas stocking that keeps getting activated not 6 feet away from me.
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Monday, December 10, 2007
Working yourself up into a frenzy over something that is not going to matter at all immediately after it is over.
Thursday, December 6, 2007
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Working really hard and meticulously on a Christmas present, sending it to the printers, and getting it back printed totally wrong.
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Monday, December 3, 2007
Directors for very small-scale play readings who seem to think they are putting on a Broadway production and expect you to go to extensive rehearsals and costume yourself.
Friday, November 30, 2007
Having to "clean my cubicle and have only certain things visible" because of the VISITING RICH OIL BARONS FROM ABU DHABI. Are you freakin kidding me?
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Monday, November 26, 2007
Women in public restrooms who pee with such force it sounds like they're in there playing California firefighter. I don't know why this ... ugh ... pisses me off so much, but it really drives me crazy. I don't need to hear that. If you're within range for normal human urethral diameter and aren't pregnant (or in some other way diseased) I shouldn't feel like I need to duck and cover when you tinkle.
Dragging myself like a snail unwillingly to work after a great long weekend of doing what I WANT to do with my life.
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Monday, November 19, 2007
Hollywood types who just can't reach outside themselves enough to relate or have compassion for anyone else around them.
Having a co-star who leaves the set after the wrap without just a courtesy goodbye or handshake, seeing as we'd just spent the last two days working so hard together. Nothing.
Having a co-star who believes he's a vampire and says things like this completely seriously: "I come alive when the sun goes down."
Having a co-star who arrives to set late and having had only three hours of sleep and he is so out of it his hands are shaking and he almost passes out during a take because he was up all night fighting with his "crazy girlfriend."
When remarking to said co-star that his hair looks very different in his reel, co-star responding, "I'm a shapeshifter."
Having a co-star who CLOSES HIS EYES while doing a take with you, since the camera can't see his face.
Girl knocking on my office door: Hi! I am from the women's basketball team! I am selling pies to earn money for uniforms. Today is the last day, are you interested?
Me: No.
Me: No.
Girl at a gas station selling cosmetics: Hi! Excuse me! Can I have a minute of your time?
Me: Um. No, you can't.
Me: Um. No, you can't.
Sunday, November 18, 2007
The fact that I was so tired from writing lame bios of lawyers for my freelance job that I actually read 1,100 as 2,000. Good God.
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Having the honor and distinction of writing the 2,000th posting to this blog is, perhaps, the most fulfilling thing I have done today.
The fact that the First Year Alcohol Education Course does not, I might add, include drinks recipes or tips for slicing a lemon so that the slices stay neatly on the edge of the glass looking elegant and soignee, rather than like clumsily chopped hunks of lemon.
The fact that a formal protest of said mandatory First Year Alcohol Education Course is utterly useless, and will only result in an escalating battle of snide, increasingly hostile emails betwixt me and the hideous, patronizing, obtusely bureaucratic hag who crouches over the desk in the First Year Alcohol Education Course Coordination Office.
My university has informed me that although I am a 26 year old transfer student, I must nevertheless complete a mandatory online First Year Alcohol Education Course, or be blocked from registering for spring quarter.
Friday, November 16, 2007
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
The neighbors that decided to have a very loud party on their balcony until 2 in the morning, even after being asked nicely to go inside and close the windows.
My absolutely bat-shit insane neighbor, banging on my door and yelling because I parked in front of her house and she wanted me to move my car.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Feeling certain beloved, guiding lights in your life pulling away and knowing there's nothing you can do but let them go.
Monday, November 12, 2007
Just overheard, re: striking writers outside: "Get a job as a waiter if you hate it so much. I do not have any sympathy for them at all."
Friday, November 9, 2007
Getting so many texts that you get a text telling you to delete texts in order to receive the next text incoming.
Having to just accept being shit on because it will do more damage to the shitter-on to stand up for yourself than it does to you to just take it and shut up.
When the internet connection goes down at work, even if it is only for 15 minutes. Those 15 minutes suck.
The extremely loud BABY SHOWER going on in the waiting room outside my office. My door is shut and I STILL can't hold a phone conversation.
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Getting a raise and still not making nearly enough to break even let alone start whittling down debt.
Having a friend who is a hermit (and doesn't do myspace or facebook or blogging or anything so I don't know what the hell they are up to).
Facebook is weird and confusing and I just joined for the band but it forced me to make a personal profile and forced me to show my last name and I'm kind of annoyed by that but also by just the proliferation of networking sites and why people migrate from one to another and why in the world do people share such detailed information about trivial crap and it makes me worried about the future and divulging things you shouldn't and the possible roundup of everyone who has some kind of dissident opinion because we're so traceable now and I think I'm becoming overly paranoid and the future of the internet means less privacy and I'm one to talk I blog all the time but on days like this I feel like shutting down and never sharing anything again but then I think of how nice it is to communicate with my friends so I keep doing it.
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Getting pulled over and ticketed for making an illegal right turn after stopping to clean sticky brown soda off my car windows.
Having to take time out on the way to work to pull over and clean said sticky brown soda off my car windows.
For the love of sweet, sweet Jesus. Do you people have NOTHING to do other than think about your car, where it is parked, and where other people are parking their cars??!!
Whoever it is in my stupid neighborhood who keeps throwing sticky brown soda on my car at night. 4th time this week.
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Monday, November 5, 2007
Sunday, November 4, 2007
Constantly living in fear of hurting someone's feelings or stepping on someone's toes or making someone angry and in so doing not living an authentic life.
Friday, November 2, 2007
My asshole boss. I know its cliche, but the guy is evil. He learned how to manage from a book titled 'The Marine Core Way', from which he will from time to time throw us little golden nuggets of wisdom. Never mind that he has a never served a day of his life in any of the armed services.
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
When the 405 gets closed and its stupid drivers end up taking my route home, thereby turning my 35 minute commute into a 75 minute creeping tour of hell.
Worker's comp: don't ever fill it out unless you want ALL of your medical records released as fair game to the insurance company.
God-fearing fucktards who spend their life fear-mongering about living in the end times (no seriously, this time, it's for real) and equate homosexuality with Communisim and Judaism.
Left Behind: The Kids by Tim F LaHaye and Jerry B Jenkins
Shit! The Kids! What dooo we do about all those 8 year olds we left behind when we got raptured?!? And my 4 year old who never accepted Jesus into her heart, who's going to look after her?!? Oh well, fuck it, I'm raptured.
Shit! The Kids! What dooo we do about all those 8 year olds we left behind when we got raptured?!? And my 4 year old who never accepted Jesus into her heart, who's going to look after her?!? Oh well, fuck it, I'm raptured.
Monday, October 29, 2007
Co-workers who do not knock. Jesus, give me a minute to close some windows. I'm not working here!
You meet a great guy. But he lives in Spain. But he's coming to visit you. But he brings his girlfriend. But at least you'll get to see him and he's only staying three blocks away. But he got in two days ago and still hasn't called. But it's ok because you're really busy anyway even though you're unemployed -- oh my! it's almost 1:30pm, time to put on pants and/or brush your teeth and/or watch more Price Is Right.
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Getting turned down for a crappy fucking minor program in professional writing, in favor of a bunch of glassy-eyed, ass-licking 19-year-olds who believe that "writing is their passion, and they write because they can't not write, and insert cliche here." Oh, and I already have a job as a professional writer, but no, I was not admitted to the program not because of that, but because other students are "more deserving and received higher scores on the preface describing their passion for writing." Guess who won't be getting acknowledged in any Pulitzer Prize acceptance speeches, cocksuckers.
Friday, October 26, 2007
Shabby journalism assuming that Al Quaida is responsible for the Southern California fires. If they are, that's the laziest terrorism I've ever seen.
I really, seriously do not get arsonists. I mean, I like fire as much as the next person, but wow.
Walking across the street in Silver Lake and having some Hipster Douche-bag yell at you:
"You. My bed. Now!"
"You. My bed. Now!"
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Is there no escape from these taupe colored walls, so similar to mental health institution color palates, and the constant scent of slightly burned bagels in the morning, replaced by microwaved popcorn afternoons...weepy co-workers, over-weight ladies discussing latest diet plans whilst sipping their diet cokes, and the sad-sack husbands, eternally asking for more crotch level attention from exhausted mommy-wives?
And the black cloud of disappointment constantly radiating in unhealthy, dust-filled waves from the air vent of my prison cell.
That apparently almost all of my friends (save one who may be soon be demoted to the "acquaintances" list) hate, loathe and/or abhor what they are doing M - F, from approximately 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Having to convince yourself to apply for a job that makes you a complete sell-out, AND it's a job you are over-qualified for and STILL not getting a call back.
Flighty, bubble-headed, brain-dead no-talents succeeding at something awesome without really even trying.
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
When a store or restaurant mistakenly charges you twice for something then doesn't have the courtesy to reconcile it immediately. Note, they certainly made sure the charges went through in a timely manner. Give me my money back bitches!
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Blue Diamond no longer seems to sell Maui Onion flavored almonds. Why not- were they poison? Because I ate about 15 cans of them, you know.
Having 8 hours to issue addendum number 5 to construction documentation on a project that has already gone through 4 previous painstaking rounds of "value engineering". Do you want a nicer hotel or not? Shit costs money, is all I'm sayin'...
People who think that sporting a "Support the Troops" Yellow Magnetic Ribbon on their gas-guzzling monstrous vehicle somehow how cancels the atrociousness of the hypocrisy they are displaying.
Monday, October 22, 2007
As part of my current career, having to listen to people spout industry buzzwords such as "entity framework," "forward thinking," and "integrated experience" all day long...every day.
Not knowing what to say and just stammering, "I'm sorry" and making it worse because the miles that divide us are just too wide.
Sucking at something that you care so much about and means so much to you. And just sucking at it.
A very intense flash bulb going off directly in my eye and now I can't see the computer screen at work this morning, 12 hours later.
Never-ending headache ruining whole weekend and making my brain completely useless and uncreative and I think I'm going to just whine until it goes away because I can't seem to make anything else work.
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Friday, October 19, 2007
Thursday, October 18, 2007
That the only thing I had to look forward to today was an obligatory "lunch provided" by management, only to discover my vulturous co-workers (who are NOT vegetarians mind you) had eaten all the vegetarian food before I could get in to the kitchen.
Having to drink said coffee in the vain hope that it will get rid of throbbing headache and smooshy, fogging thinking.
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
On top of the regular maintenance headaches, the guaranteed blinding debilitating headache that comes every 28 days. Fantastic!
Monday, October 15, 2007
Friday, October 12, 2007
Have you ever heard this, "No way! Your penis is really tiny!"?
Didn't you feel like a loser?
Don't let girls prefer dildo to you ! Megadik will make you a real man ! You should simply rely on this magic preparation!
"Oh! Your penis is so large!" Isn't that what you just love to hear?
Soon you'll be the only one ladies will desire ! Megadik is your real cure!
Didn't you feel like a loser?
Don't let girls prefer dildo to you ! Megadik will make you a real man ! You should simply rely on this magic preparation!
"Oh! Your penis is so large!" Isn't that what you just love to hear?
Soon you'll be the only one ladies will desire ! Megadik is your real cure!
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Discovering C.G.T.I.W.W.'s bookmarked Web site "Age - The best dating site for matching up older men and younger women."
(Double Shudder)
(Double Shudder)
LA Live "Nokia Theatre" - $125 for concert tickets, not including fees? What the hell do you think I am? Magic? The performer had better be spouting GOLD into the audience for that price.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Said C.G.T.I.W.W: I don't have anything to do except go home and sit there, so I think I'll just hang around.
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
Still dealing with a ridiculous skin breakout that started a month ago in Philadelphia. DAMN you, Philadelphia! Damn you.
Monday, October 8, 2007
The way that 11 am to 5 pm goes by at light speed on a Saturday or Sunday, and slow as frozen bullshit Monday - Friday.
Friday, October 5, 2007
Poopy smelling bathrooms, covered up with a horrid "citrus" smelling aerosol air freshener. (Where citrus, somehow, manages to only heighten the poop smelling attributes.)
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Despite that fact that she is, at least, a Democrat - isn't there anyone else out there just even SLIGHTLY miffed that for the last TWENTY YEARS either a Bush or Clinton has been president??? Can we mix this shit up a bit? Hello???
Getting bullshit sprung on you at the last minute by boss. Followed by a "hey, hope you don't mind."
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Owners of a certain model pick-up truck, who feel the need to scratch off certain lettering to create other words, such as "Toy," "Yo," and "Yota"
My Dad yet again relentlessly sending me newspaper clippings from The Big Raging Movie Industry In New Mexico.
Monday, October 1, 2007
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Friday, September 28, 2007
I used to be a much more eloquent and honest writer on my blog, and now it's like a whitewashed garble of sound and fury signifying nothing.
Co-workers who ask me why I am "so serious all the time." Do you people honestly think I am here for enjoyment? Well, yes. I guess I am serious. Serious about getting in and out, so I can get on with my life.
Those who insist on holding conversations in the bathroom. This is all business people, it's not a social call.
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
that people, after hearing the word "strategery" exit a grown man's mouth, actually said, "Yeah, he sounds good to me!" and voted for the dick face. It's been almost seven years and I'm still frothing.
A President who's so goddamned moronic and disinterested in, you know, doing his job of being President to learn where he is, to whom he is speaking, and learn even a modicum of geography, politics, or even his own fucking language.
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Monday, September 24, 2007
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Muscle knot in back that makes it hard to take a deep breath, due to limping because of broken toe.
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
I have nonstop back injury-related headaches. I'm off of work for two weeks: headache GONE. I'm able to think clearly, focus, etc. I'm back to work one day: headache BACK.
Monday, September 17, 2007
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Cowardly Republicans, who only criticize their former masters after the fact, and having been paid 8 Million to do so. Fuckers.
Friday, September 14, 2007
Overhearing this conversation, of some guy on a phone outside my office:
"Yo, reading the bible is mad fun, dog. Sometime we read it at the beach, and sometimes we just go wherever and read it. Like whatever, bra."
"Nah, man, I won't be mad or nothing if you don't want to come."
"We shoot for a commitment man, that's all. It'll be your fall."
"We're all here cause our parents DON'T go to church, that's THEIR problem."
"Well, how DO you use the bible?"
"Do you have a cheerful heart?"
"You don't have a problem. Things are looking up for you. But you should come. Later."
"Yo, reading the bible is mad fun, dog. Sometime we read it at the beach, and sometimes we just go wherever and read it. Like whatever, bra."
"Nah, man, I won't be mad or nothing if you don't want to come."
"We shoot for a commitment man, that's all. It'll be your fall."
"We're all here cause our parents DON'T go to church, that's THEIR problem."
"Well, how DO you use the bible?"
"Do you have a cheerful heart?"
"You don't have a problem. Things are looking up for you. But you should come. Later."
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Monday, September 10, 2007
Friday, August 31, 2007
And all the spoiled, rich, blond, California girl-bimbos were dressed like Amy Winehouse wannabes.
Having to go to Ralph's at 10:30 on a Thursday night to buy baby asprin for your old dog and standing in line behind hundreds of USC students buying booze.
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Monday, August 27, 2007
Sunday, August 26, 2007
The asshole who got in the garage and stole our lawnmower. Hey, fuck-face. You forgot the grass-catch bag. Have fun mowing your lawn, shit-brick.
Friday, August 24, 2007
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
The construction mess of yet another mass of condos being erected across the street from my office. No one is going to rent them. Stop blocking up traffic with your cranes and cement mixers and making it impossible to have a phone conversation and sullying my entire building and parking lot with daily layers of soot. Really, just stop.
The never ending traffic cluster fuck at Lincoln and Washington on my lunch hour, when going to the divorce store for the 11th damn time.
People who try to come in my office and hustle me for shit like better phone rates or cheaper labor law posters and get aggressive as I kick them out and point out the "No Soliciting" sign affixed to our door.
Hormonal and stress related acne requiring 4 prescriptions to get under control. Fuck you, hormonal stress- I will KILL you!
Being included on the tippity top of your ex's MASS email about how he finally quit the job that destroyed your relationship, and then getting berated by him about not expressing some kind of orgiastic glee that he finally made the decision he should have made a year and a half ago. What do you want, a fucking personalized plaque now for being some kind of emotional genius?
Getting yelled and cursed at by a shitty little "project manager" from NY first thing in the morning. At least let me have my green tea latte first, asshole.
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
I finally found an OB/GYN I like and she's not in network with the plan that seems only slightly less seedy and horrible. Goddammit!!!
I have to choose between two health insurance carriers who are both considered the "best" but both have dirty, seedy, horrible underbellies and I can't figure out if one is any better or worse than the other because other than Michael Moore's website, there is no information on the web on consumer ratings of health insurance companies.
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Finding out people you worked with who you assumed were much better paid are just as disgruntled, bored and wanting more out of their job as you are.
Overhearing a co-worker say to another co-worker, "It's so hot outside! I hope you have your swamp cooler on at home." Yeah, you wouldn't want your couch and television to get too hot while you're away!
In accordance with 788, I shouldn't have to wear a heavy sweater and closed shoes to work every day just to keep from freezing. My extremities shouldn't be frozen. I shouldn't have to be drinking hot tea to stay warm in the middle of summer.
That every time the temperature goes up outside, the indoor thermostat in offices seems to adjust accordingly in the opposite direction. Dear co-workers - just because it is 100 degrees outside does not mean it should be 60 degrees inside...
Monday, August 13, 2007
Any one who describes something that is made in 1985 as 'vintage'. I'm not old enough for my childhood t-shirts to be ironic yet dammit!
Forced participation in a night's activity that can, at best, be described as "TMI," and at worst, "I can no longer look you in the eye on a daily basis."
Thursday, August 9, 2007
There's practically nothing honest I can write about on my regular blog anymore. Too many "nice-y" people reading it.
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
It's people like you that me so skittish about using the telephone. Trust the power of voice mail. Trust it.
Why the bloody hell do people pick up the phone if they are in the middle of something and can't talk? You are not contractually obligated to pick up a phone every time it rings!! If you pick up when you're unable to talk, then I become this person who has annoyed you for calling at a bad time. Stop answering your phone!!
Friday, August 3, 2007
hi there is a man knocking at the door wanting to have a serious relation with.he likes you and love to know you.he is sweet lovely and hope to give his life some meaning by knowing you.
When a band has such a stupid name that you find you can't listen to them, even if you like their music, and still take yourself seriously.
Creepy guy that I work with got reported by two different women for sexual harassment and one of them wasn't me.
Thursday, August 2, 2007
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Monday, July 30, 2007
Friday, July 27, 2007
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
I cancelled our entire trip to Comic-Con because my Dad was going to be visiting and I was supposed to be in a show. The show cut me, and now my Dad cut his trip, and I ain't gots no Comic-Con. God dammit, again!
My Mom would have visited and been thrilled just to hang out with us. No business reasons needed. God dammit, I miss her so much.
My Dad was supposed to fly in this evening for a week-long visit, and just called and cancelled. His reason? "My business reasons for coming evaporated."
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Monday, July 23, 2007
And the sheltered, lame-ass, prick-hole neighbor-narcs who ratted on us. You may have won this round prick-holes, but we'll always be more awesome. And happier.
Being given the choice between 3 days in jail or an $80 fine, that will go on your "permanent summer record."
When the Malibu police say, "there's the letter of the law and then there's the SPIRIT of the law. So you guys can just go back to frisbee while I write your citations."
When the Malibu police open up your beach cooler, find your margarita fixin's and say, "OK, Gather 'round people."
Friday, July 20, 2007
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
When your SO talented, wonderful friend feels bad about stupid Hollywood when stupid Hollywood is lame, superficial and so not about the talented people who give them the chance to see them perform. They should be so lucky.
Monday, July 16, 2007
Everyone's a frickin' critic. People who don't deserve to be. People who are stupid and dim-witted and don't like things because they don't understand them. STOP IT. Just STOP IT and enjoy the fact that your ass is being entertained!!!
My co-worker can't just go to a movie and frickin' enjoy it. He's got to explain all the stupid, inane reasons why an awesome movie wasn't awesome because a shirt was the wrong color or his popcorn tasted bad or whatever...he just can't let himself enjoy anything.
Generally, just the humiliation of still not making it. Of the long, constant slog ahead. Of despair.
I can't sing like an American Idol singer. It's not in my nature. My nature is apparently going to keep me from advancing in this business.
Finding out that I'm actually an old dinosaur amongst a totally new generation of teenage american idol singers.
The accompanist not knowing how to play my song and giving me a sneer when I give him the music.
Preparing for what feels like years to have an audition with an Equity agent who would submit me for theatre, finally getting a call from a very reputable one, and then her literally GRIMACING during my audition.
Paying a lot of money for voice lessons for an audition for an agent, and then just sucking anyway.
Having my husband do hours of hard work and editing to help me get a reel, and then not being able to use it.
Spending hundreds of dollars to get tapes of my old shows transfered to DVD so I can make a reel, and the person I made the reel for doesn't even want it.
Sunday, July 15, 2007
"Hey Ladies! I'm pretty new to this whole myspace thing, i'm just looking to find some hot girls to trade pics and/or cams with...even cybering gets me off. I just wanna get crazy with some myspace hot chicks."
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Recurring night terrors and sleep paralysis episodes, the like of which I have not had in years. Don't start up on me now, subconcious.
Friday, July 13, 2007
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Any car commercial featuring any sort of "Indie" band. Yeah, you hit my clit on the head with that one. Now, nothing will stop me from buying one of your corporate shill-mobiles.
Being trapped in a weird hotel with a fake lake, in the middle of Reno, NV. There is nowhere to go around here. Nowhere.
People who ask inane questions requiring obvious answers at inappropriate times, like 3 hours in to a very long, boring convention seminar.
People who crack and smack their gum, while taking their shoes off in public places like the airport.
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Getting another call from an agent to represent me for film/tv and googling to discover he's the scum of the earth. So I'm finally getting calls from agents, but they're from the worst agents in town.
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