Thursday, May 29, 2008
Doing work I shouldn't have to do... because the person who should be doing it is someone I have to suck up to... because he has the power to assign me better work and pay me for it.
That fucking ad that's always alongside my Yahoomail recently with a makeup brush repeatedly flying across a picture of a woman's face. It never stops. It can't fucking be stopped. I would give up peripheral vision to never have to see that ad again.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Though it is nice to get $600 from G-Dub, I just have to wonder where exactly that money came from...
That those hundreds of thousands of dead people don't seem to matter as much to Americans as...well, any number of tiny American news stories.
That hundreds of thousands of people's lives can be erased by natural disasters in a matter of days.
Self-Dramatizing. It's so fucking infuriating to be this integral to the functioning of the universe!
Being the bitch that threatens the mac techs with filing a complaint with the BBB if they don't either reinstall your software or refund the document recovery fee they charged you without telling you you would be unable to open your "recovered" documents.
Not having the original software to reinstall on your mac and being too poor to purchase said software.
Getting your computer back, finally, only to find every piece of software that was on it is now gone.
Finally getting your computer back from repair and realizing every bookmark you ever created is lost.
Spending multiple hours on the phone with Verizon to get them to do the things they promised to do in order to get you to switch to their long distance plan in the first place.
Searching for the perfect receptionist for months, hiring and training her, only to have her quit two weeks later after getting pregnant and deciding to move back home. Damned fertility!
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Snarky headshot photographer who advertises that he will email you a rate sheet upon request. Instead, he calls you twice in a row (on a holiday morning, no less) and leaves almost the exact same message both times because he can't remember that he JUST called you. Eventually you get a hold of him and he asks you what you WANT to pay. If you tell him a lower price than his going rate, he belittles you. I suppose if you tell him a higher price, he tries to pad it even further. Screw you, dude. You aren't THAT good.
Packed perfect bag of Memorial Day BBQ leftovers to keep the patriotic picking going all week. Left bag at my parents' house because I got pissy and kinda sorta stormed out. What I wouldn't do for a cold chicken sammy today. Serves me right, I guess.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
We found the Oh My God Most Absolutely Perfect photographer for our project and we are waiting anxiously for her to get back to us and every minute is like agony.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
I've been going to all these great casting director workshops, which are filled with good information from good sources, but the last four I've done, I've been given cold reading roles where I speak about three sentences and I'm paired with a guy who has these huge monologues. So I'm getting exactly 0.00 opportunity to showcase my abilities for these people. So essentially my money is being wasted. So essentially I am frustrated.
Extreme stress from family issues causing giant pimplage in middle of face, just in time for wedding pictures!
Ordering a camera for a wedding and then finding out it is on back order and won't arrive in time.
A photographer stringing us along for 6 weeks, quoting us a reasonable price, and then later giving us a final quote of almost $6,000. UH WHAT??
This weekend, we fell into the abyss of watching the show Lost which is is available online for free, all seasons in HD, and now we can't watch it because no internet at home. Need fix. Getting twitchy.
Getting conflicting information from AT&T and getting another call in the morning saying they're trying to get the DSL back on, being transfered to someone else who gets mad at David for calling, even though he tells her that they're the ones that have been calling him.
David being on the phone with AT&T for an hour, only to find out that the DSL can't be turned back on since we ordered the fiber optic, which by the way might possibly not be available for weeks/months.
The next day, we come home from work and our DSL is turned off. No internet access at home, and we are waiting on photographers to contact us via email.
Taking a whole day off of work to be home for an 8 HOUR INSTALLATION of new fiber-optic AT&T internet. Guys come to apartment, tinker around for an hour, then tell me, "We can't install today because there is no infrastructure yet in the neighborhood. You're the first one to order this service."
Thursday, May 8, 2008
When politicians refer to a state as "the great state of..."
Let's be honest, they're not all great.
Let's be honest, they're not all great.
The never-ending storm that is a family member's life, and how I always have to be dragged into it.
That a very smart and capable woman who is running for President is doing so by courting the votes of racists and idiots.
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Myanmar's government making foreign aid extremely difficult to enter the country. In a crisis of this magnitude it seems unfathomable.
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
At least one out of every ten people I encounter on a daily basis, however briefly or distantly, is mind-bendingly stupid and/or in my way. Let's say I come nearly into contact with 200 people on the streets of New York, a conservative estimate on a workday. That's 20 times over the course of 10 hours or so -- or once every thirty minutes on average -- that all of the muscles in my body tighten involuntarily and I fantasize about throttling someone.
Monday, May 5, 2008
The entire dental industry that is closed on Fridays. Which must mean they think that all dental emergencies occur Monday through Thursday and can therefore ignore the other 43% of the week.
A recurring gum infection that all anyone can do about (SEVEN specialists!) is say, "I dunno. Here's some antibiotics."
Friday, May 2, 2008
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