Thursday, April 10, 2008


I'm not sure how to even relate this story. At a meal, I was sitting at a table with two extras who said they were "directors." This one ding-a-ling was talking about this "brilliant" pilot he'd written, that required demons and humans battling and something about a very angry mayor. He kept talking about how great a director he is and how it's bound to make lots of money and how Sci-Fi network is sure to love it.

I said to him, "do you do extra work often?" (because mainly I was just amazed that people can tolerate doing this kind of thing for a living). To which he replied, "well, I have done EVERYTHING ELSE in this business, so I'm doing this so I can learn how to be an ACTOR'S director. You know how people say that Ron Howard is an ACTOR'S director? That's what I want to be. So I figure I've got to get in with the people and learn how they think. Because ACTORS tend to say the lines in ways that I don't agree with and I want to find ways to tell them to say it my way."

Uh huh. OR, you are one day away from the soup kitchen and need the $80/day so you can pay your rent at the YMCA.

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