Monday, December 22, 2008
Friday, December 19, 2008
Newish office acquaintance who would be awesome if he wasn't such a freakin' emotional vampire getting up in my face for attention several times a day every day and being hurt if I don't give him enough time and asking every single day what we're doing tonight or this weekend so I'm forever having to come up with "I'm busy" excuses. CALM DOWN, dude! If you didn't smother people with your neediness we'd probably want to hang out with you more!
Monday, December 15, 2008
A full YEAR now of not being able to audition for shows I want to do because the performance dates directly conflict with peoples' weddings (oh, and a Europe trip). Gahhh.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
A bear themed town full of bear themed tchotchkes and a guy in a bear suit and bears on every goddamned thing in sight.
Casting director and agent nights full of feelings of dismay and humiliation, for the low low price of money I probably should not have spent.
Toughing it out for a year at work for that dangling carrot of a holiday bonus, which has now shrink to just the nub of a carrot.
My ankle has been sore for over 3 weeks for no good reason and I can't really afford a doctor visit at this juncture.
Not having the time to list the things that piss me off! I have likely forgotten half of them by now. Goddamnit!
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
My Dad's in the hospital for two days for something that was supposed to be an outpatient procedure and I'm feeling pretty powerless over here.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
People suddenly acting like they have values and morals about things they actually don't give a shit about.
Monday, November 17, 2008
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Some woman in a nearby department got fired for "timecard fraud" and now everyone in our department is paranoid that they are monitoring every move we make and that they know the minute we are in and the minute we leave. Which, unfortunately, is possible. Which makes me extremely grumpy and annoyed.
Monday, November 10, 2008
Receiving 6, count 'em, 6 rude voice mail messages in 1/2 an hour's time from an extremely impatient "loved one."
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
The backlash from McCain supporters passing around youtube videos proving Obama is unpatriotic. Still? Really? Hey McPinheads, ever heard that it's disrespectful to the flag to wear it as clothing? No? Well even though that's the tradition I'm not questioning your love of this country so drop it.
Being incredibly uncomfortable, almost sick to my stomach, after finding out certain relatives had ill-considered, illogical reasons for voting McCain that make me want to hide from these people even though I love them very much. I just don't understand people sometimes.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
When I can have tears in my eyes for an eloquent, educated and intelligent speaker, anyone who dares doubt my patriotism.
Monday, November 3, 2008
Can't afford to get the root canal AND the crown in the same year because insurance won't cover it all, so have to wait until January with a hole in my head to get the crown. WHAT THE FUCK.
The fact that even with insurance I have to pay INSANE amounts of money for dental work. What's the point of having the insurance if you won't freakin' cover anything??
Going to endodontist for root canal consultation and him having no idea what my problem is and then suggesting TWO root canals! Because that way he'll make sure he got all of it!
That it's actually to the point that I am considering an exit strategy should McCain/Palin win. I just don't know if this country can survive another four years of reactionary hate and fear mongering.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Monday, October 20, 2008
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Friday, October 10, 2008
The not knowing how this whole economy thing is going to affect us in the months and years to come.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Thursday, September 18, 2008
UNENDING SNAGS. At this rate, this album will come out in December of 2012, and then promptly get lost in the ensuing Armageddon.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Friday, September 12, 2008
From the article link in 1551:
I can't believe this farce is working.
After consistently trailing in national surveys, McCain is now running even or slightly ahead of Obama, thanks in good part to his selection of Palin and the positive support she has received from Republicans and white female voters.
I can't believe this farce is working.
Monday, September 8, 2008
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
WHAT THE FUH?? I just looked on my Google Calendar and it has a Holiday icon on September 11th that says "Patriot Day." That's a thing!?!?!? Read this!!
Someone writing a (probably shitty seeing as they don't even know how to spell) first novel and then getting extremely angry and depressed that within two months of its completion it's not being published. And then taking that anger out on his girlfriend and saying that he's "due" and doesn't want to have to work a job anymore.
THEN the lady starts talking about how one time she was "forced" to sit in the "horrible" handicapped section which she'll never do again because (I swear to god, she said this) there was a "stump woman" who had no legs who was sitting with her boyfriend and the boyfriend pulled her "stump" onto his lap and started having sex with her right there and no one did anything about it and it was horrifying.
...I think something in me died a little.
...I think something in me died a little.
Winning amazing box seat tickets to the Hollywood Bowl and sharing the box with two elitist rich snobs (wearing Obama buttons, mind you) who make us feel extremely uncomfortable talking about the "horrible seats for the poor people" in back and how they'd "rather die" than sit there and how they can't stand the great unwashed. It was really awkward.
Friday, August 29, 2008
The office guy who is going around with printouts of Sarah Palin from her beauty queen days and talking about how hot she is and how this makes a BIG difference in the McCain campaign. Yes, Virginia, people really ARE that stupid.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Family member who never voted or was even registered nor cared about politics in any way no matter what encouragement any of us gave is now spamming me with political email forwards ("Why women should vote!") just because said family member's new significant other is into politics.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Update: just learned he left said umbrella at some chick's house, a friend of a friend. And she has since moved. Fucking great.
My friend left my big umbrella at someone's house. He's had literally months to get it back to me. It's currently pouring dayaftertomorrow-style and I'm about to get soaked. Again. I want my fucking umbrella back now! Now now now! Wah!
Monday, August 11, 2008
Sunday, August 10, 2008
That roommate... he's now clipping his nails right next to me in the kitchen. Which is right next to the bathroom. Which has a door. Behind which people should clip their nails. Guh.
There are not one, but TWO flies in my apartment. I should be able to play it cool. They're just flies right? WRONG! They are the number one way to get my head to explode. You know that person who runs around the house with a rolled up magazine chasing a single fly and never ever catching it because, well because it's a fucking fly? Yeah, that's me.
My current roommate is sitting across from me and he keeps sniffling. But he's not sick -- I'm not a monster -- he's just sniffling. And sighing. And I wish it weren't driving me crazy, but it fucking is.
See 1,534 but add the minor complication that I got myself 85% out of that job for a multitude of reasons ranging from the stifling of professional development to crippling anger, and that I don't want to return from my "hiatus" and yet fear that if I don't return I'll be out on the streets by December. Or worse: my parents'.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Co-worker not wanting to follow basic archiving procedures, not telling anyone, and now about six months of work is fucked because of it.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Friday, July 25, 2008
It is absolutely ridiculous that I should have to FAX my agent if I want to tell him something, since he supposedly "doesn't get email." What a crock.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Awkward department breakfast that gets even more awkward when people start trying to one-up each other with gruesome death stories.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Friday, July 18, 2008
Tomorrow is husband's birthday and I want it to be amazing but it's going to be super low key due to a bunch of scheduling problems and he made me PROMISE no presents so essentially nothing is going to happen and I feel really bad. :(
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Just overheard:
"What do you mean relaxful isn't a word? It's a word! I use it all the time! Relaxful!"
"What do you mean relaxful isn't a word? It's a word! I use it all the time! Relaxful!"
Friday, July 11, 2008
This is supposed to be a short day where we get out at 1PM, but someone hasn't given David some files that need to go to print and we just looked and the person isn't even in their office and has had hours to do this.
There is nary a copy of Hellboy to be rented in the state of California. I'm trying to catch up here, people!
Thursday, July 10, 2008
What the fuck is goji berry juice? And why are there franchise style vans sporting its benefits everywhere I look?
Feeling trapped in a work situation because of an economic environment so tenuous that one has no idea of what is around the corner.
Being reprimanded by a client for including a former president in a piece of public art, after being given his name by the sub-client as an appropriate subject of said public art.
The work-related term "compression" as a substitute for the following:
"There is no way in hell we are going to make this deadline."
"Fuckloads of stress."
"Unrealistic expectations being unmet and resulting in spirited finger-pointing."
"There is no way in hell we are going to make this deadline."
"Fuckloads of stress."
"Unrealistic expectations being unmet and resulting in spirited finger-pointing."
Staying late at work every single night for two weeks and having to go in over the weekend in order to even be able to take a vacation.
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Seeing a movie, specifically the crapfest Wanted, with someone who is distracted and text messaging throughout the entire film.
Monday, July 7, 2008
mega-douche blogger has a thriving writing career while I'm stuck sitting next to mega-douche jr. at my crappy job because I can't support myself on my own writing.
Walking into the office to see that my blog-reading mega-douche co"worker" is reading the politico-blog of a semi-celebrity mega-douche I went to high school with.
I am so over this guy. I cannot imagine having to be related to this person and have to hang out with him on a constant basis. The years stretch out before me in this scenario and I shudder.
Blowhard comes over to our house but never wants to do anything except watch tv and every time we try to break out a board game he becomes miserable and jerky about it because we apparently are a horrible family who is ruining the fabric of America because we are "so competetive."
Blowhard then proceeds to say that he wishes every book by Jane Austen was taken out and burned. Dude, get out of my house!
Blowhard having absolutely no argument behind his argument and finally ending it with, "they're just stupid and should only be on the stage." At which point he turns on the TV to watch the Simpsons do a musical number.
Blowhard coming into my house and saying that the fact that kids watch musicals raises "a nation of homos."
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Monday, June 30, 2008
No but seriously. Seriously. Why can't I just have a wireless router that works? Is it just me? Hello (hello hello)? Is there anybody out there?
4 months and not one audition from my "agent." I think that officially counts as not having one.
For the first time in my life, having to leave the stage during a show due to food poisoning. Luckily, I didn't miss anything I was supposed to do and no one in the audience noticed. But now I'm known as the girl who barfed backstage.
Being forced to sit through a talk back / Q & A session after a play whilst a couple of loudmouths want to speak incessantly about some play they did not just see, but wish they'd seen instead. I tell you what, go write it.
Cutting open my finger making design boards whilst working 4 hours later than scheduled on Friday.
Speed trap and ticket for 20 mph over the limit starting my day on Friday. If you don't want me to speed, don't make the road so curvy.
Dreaming of fire, dead birds and tsunamis over the course of one week. Ok, subconscious- I hear ya.
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Revival of eustachian tube dysfunction that I thought I was done with forever. *super grumble*
Finding an amazing apartment, watching it being renovated and checking in every day, being told that it won't be rented until it's completed, and then calling and finding out it's already been rented. I put a fair amount of emotional energy into that place! I'd already mentally arranged where everything was going to go! *grumble*
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Decide to treat myself to an expensive clothing purchase for a change. A few weeks to work up the nerve. Then several attempts to buy while the shop is locked, proprietor down the block at a bar all afternoon, two days in a row. Finally get there when the store is open. Only left in small.
Friday, June 20, 2008
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
If the apartment was built after 1960, it's ugly as hell but it has air conditioning, a dishwasher, and parking. If it was built before then, it's beautiful, lots of character, has crown molding and other cool details, but no air conditioning, no dishwasher, and no parking.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
You have 9 lil' green patch requests!
You have 12 lil' green patch requests!
You have 5 lil' green patch requests!
You have 8 lil' green patch requests!
You have 15 lil' green patch requests!
You have 12 lil' green patch requests!
You have 5 lil' green patch requests!
You have 8 lil' green patch requests!
You have 15 lil' green patch requests!
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Monday, June 9, 2008
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Office bathrooms. Who made the design decision that ensured a direct line of sight from the entry door, through the spaces between the partitions, to the toilet in each of the two stalls?
Monday, June 2, 2008
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Doing work I shouldn't have to do... because the person who should be doing it is someone I have to suck up to... because he has the power to assign me better work and pay me for it.
That fucking ad that's always alongside my Yahoomail recently with a makeup brush repeatedly flying across a picture of a woman's face. It never stops. It can't fucking be stopped. I would give up peripheral vision to never have to see that ad again.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Though it is nice to get $600 from G-Dub, I just have to wonder where exactly that money came from...
That those hundreds of thousands of dead people don't seem to matter as much to Americans as...well, any number of tiny American news stories.
That hundreds of thousands of people's lives can be erased by natural disasters in a matter of days.
Self-Dramatizing. It's so fucking infuriating to be this integral to the functioning of the universe!
Being the bitch that threatens the mac techs with filing a complaint with the BBB if they don't either reinstall your software or refund the document recovery fee they charged you without telling you you would be unable to open your "recovered" documents.
Not having the original software to reinstall on your mac and being too poor to purchase said software.
Getting your computer back, finally, only to find every piece of software that was on it is now gone.
Finally getting your computer back from repair and realizing every bookmark you ever created is lost.
Spending multiple hours on the phone with Verizon to get them to do the things they promised to do in order to get you to switch to their long distance plan in the first place.
Searching for the perfect receptionist for months, hiring and training her, only to have her quit two weeks later after getting pregnant and deciding to move back home. Damned fertility!
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Snarky headshot photographer who advertises that he will email you a rate sheet upon request. Instead, he calls you twice in a row (on a holiday morning, no less) and leaves almost the exact same message both times because he can't remember that he JUST called you. Eventually you get a hold of him and he asks you what you WANT to pay. If you tell him a lower price than his going rate, he belittles you. I suppose if you tell him a higher price, he tries to pad it even further. Screw you, dude. You aren't THAT good.
Packed perfect bag of Memorial Day BBQ leftovers to keep the patriotic picking going all week. Left bag at my parents' house because I got pissy and kinda sorta stormed out. What I wouldn't do for a cold chicken sammy today. Serves me right, I guess.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
We found the Oh My God Most Absolutely Perfect photographer for our project and we are waiting anxiously for her to get back to us and every minute is like agony.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
I've been going to all these great casting director workshops, which are filled with good information from good sources, but the last four I've done, I've been given cold reading roles where I speak about three sentences and I'm paired with a guy who has these huge monologues. So I'm getting exactly 0.00 opportunity to showcase my abilities for these people. So essentially my money is being wasted. So essentially I am frustrated.
Extreme stress from family issues causing giant pimplage in middle of face, just in time for wedding pictures!
Ordering a camera for a wedding and then finding out it is on back order and won't arrive in time.
A photographer stringing us along for 6 weeks, quoting us a reasonable price, and then later giving us a final quote of almost $6,000. UH WHAT??
This weekend, we fell into the abyss of watching the show Lost which is is available online for free, all seasons in HD, and now we can't watch it because no internet at home. Need fix. Getting twitchy.
Getting conflicting information from AT&T and getting another call in the morning saying they're trying to get the DSL back on, being transfered to someone else who gets mad at David for calling, even though he tells her that they're the ones that have been calling him.
David being on the phone with AT&T for an hour, only to find out that the DSL can't be turned back on since we ordered the fiber optic, which by the way might possibly not be available for weeks/months.
The next day, we come home from work and our DSL is turned off. No internet access at home, and we are waiting on photographers to contact us via email.
Taking a whole day off of work to be home for an 8 HOUR INSTALLATION of new fiber-optic AT&T internet. Guys come to apartment, tinker around for an hour, then tell me, "We can't install today because there is no infrastructure yet in the neighborhood. You're the first one to order this service."
Thursday, May 8, 2008
When politicians refer to a state as "the great state of..."
Let's be honest, they're not all great.
Let's be honest, they're not all great.
The never-ending storm that is a family member's life, and how I always have to be dragged into it.
That a very smart and capable woman who is running for President is doing so by courting the votes of racists and idiots.
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Myanmar's government making foreign aid extremely difficult to enter the country. In a crisis of this magnitude it seems unfathomable.
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
At least one out of every ten people I encounter on a daily basis, however briefly or distantly, is mind-bendingly stupid and/or in my way. Let's say I come nearly into contact with 200 people on the streets of New York, a conservative estimate on a workday. That's 20 times over the course of 10 hours or so -- or once every thirty minutes on average -- that all of the muscles in my body tighten involuntarily and I fantasize about throttling someone.
Monday, May 5, 2008
The entire dental industry that is closed on Fridays. Which must mean they think that all dental emergencies occur Monday through Thursday and can therefore ignore the other 43% of the week.
A recurring gum infection that all anyone can do about (SEVEN specialists!) is say, "I dunno. Here's some antibiotics."
Friday, May 2, 2008
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
In a meeting today I actually uttered the phrase, "I want to maximize your effort." Jeebus help me! I'm becoming one of them! I might as well have thrown in, "I want a new, more proactive paradigm."
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
I know it's not really a big deal, but I'm still really grumpy about having to move cubicles. *Grumble grumble grumble*
Monday, April 28, 2008
And also mentioned numerous times how she had nothing to look forward to, now that she is 25, except for renting a car.
The temp in my office who talked for 3 straight days about how it was either, the day before, the day of, and the day after, her birthday.
That the most interesting and timely topic of conversation most people I work with can converse upon during lunch is whether or not Madonna's daughter should be waxing off her Frida Kahlo unibrow.
It's 7 PM and I am still at work, entering my first thing to be pissed off about in over 3 weeks because I have not had a computer in 3 weeks, because something called the "logic board" took a ginormous shit and the dumbass mac repair company who was supposed to send it back to apple two weeks ago did not send it for some apparently inexplicable reason and is only now sending it to apple today, so it will actually be at least another week before I can really let you all know the many, many things that have been pissing me off all of this goddamned time, but boy, when I do, I'm tellin' ya- it's gonna be a real shit storm!
I just found out through hearsay that I am being moved away from my awesome cubicle next to my husband. Better yet, it's happening immediately, people have known about it for a while, and no one told me, the lowly temp. All because this girl thinks my cubicle is slightly bigger than hers (they look the same to me) and wants it. I am so depressed.
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Constantly expecting normal behavior and constantly being proven wrong but continuing to hope despite no evidence to the contrary.
Just never feeling like it's enough, or that you've said the right thing, or not said the right thing, or believe the right thing, or do the right thing, with family.
I am about to hand a cherished family heirloom over to someone who has no sense of its meaning and worth and could very well lose it.
Reckless people making reckless decisions that will have consequences on everyone else around them.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Getting what I think might be my first real full-on migraine. But not really knowing for sure. But feeling crappy, regardless.
Friday, April 11, 2008
A fear I've only felt twice in my life before...but both of those times said fear proved to be fruitless.
Thursday, April 10, 2008
I'm not sure how to even relate this story. At a meal, I was sitting at a table with two extras who said they were "directors." This one ding-a-ling was talking about this "brilliant" pilot he'd written, that required demons and humans battling and something about a very angry mayor. He kept talking about how great a director he is and how it's bound to make lots of money and how Sci-Fi network is sure to love it.
I said to him, "do you do extra work often?" (because mainly I was just amazed that people can tolerate doing this kind of thing for a living). To which he replied, "well, I have done EVERYTHING ELSE in this business, so I'm doing this so I can learn how to be an ACTOR'S director. You know how people say that Ron Howard is an ACTOR'S director? That's what I want to be. So I figure I've got to get in with the people and learn how they think. Because ACTORS tend to say the lines in ways that I don't agree with and I want to find ways to tell them to say it my way."
Uh huh. OR, you are one day away from the soup kitchen and need the $80/day so you can pay your rent at the YMCA.
I said to him, "do you do extra work often?" (because mainly I was just amazed that people can tolerate doing this kind of thing for a living). To which he replied, "well, I have done EVERYTHING ELSE in this business, so I'm doing this so I can learn how to be an ACTOR'S director. You know how people say that Ron Howard is an ACTOR'S director? That's what I want to be. So I figure I've got to get in with the people and learn how they think. Because ACTORS tend to say the lines in ways that I don't agree with and I want to find ways to tell them to say it my way."
Uh huh. OR, you are one day away from the soup kitchen and need the $80/day so you can pay your rent at the YMCA.
It is only at the 19th hour that the dingey girl I've had to sit with says, "I brought a deck of cards!"
I'm in line for our catered meal and an extra behind me, a middle-aged dude, says to me:
"Well, now I can cross that off my list."
"Huh?" says I.
"Sort of had dinner with David Spade. Check."
I look over and see Spade leaving.
"That was on your list?!?!?" I ask incredulously.
"Ha. Well, you got me there. I just hope he doesn't recognize me!"
"Huh?" again.
"I lead tour groups past his house and sometimes he doesn't appreciate that. Which I understand, privacy and all, but...he's a celebrity!"
"That's creepy." I say, and turn around.
"Well, now I can cross that off my list."
"Huh?" says I.
"Sort of had dinner with David Spade. Check."
I look over and see Spade leaving.
"That was on your list?!?!?" I ask incredulously.
"Ha. Well, you got me there. I just hope he doesn't recognize me!"
"Huh?" again.
"I lead tour groups past his house and sometimes he doesn't appreciate that. Which I understand, privacy and all, but...he's a celebrity!"
"That's creepy." I say, and turn around.
Skinny, stick figure actor girls who, after grabbing a huge plate of chicken wings from the craft service table say, "I NEVER eat wings in public!"
"You eat them in private?"
"Well...I never eat them in front of people."
"Too messy! I get stuff on my face! I don't want anyone to see me with stuff on my face!"
...and then she proceeds to chow down. *uggggh* I hate girly girls.
"You eat them in private?"
"Well...I never eat them in front of people."
"Too messy! I get stuff on my face! I don't want anyone to see me with stuff on my face!"
...and then she proceeds to chow down. *uggggh* I hate girly girls.
Waiting and doing nothing for 20 hours for ten minutes of shooting and 30 seconds of background screen time is not ever worth it ever.
Actors, the bottom-feeder scummy kind, are intolerable to hang out with for more than a couple minutes.
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
That it doesn't matter that I got all my work (and some of my douchebag co"worker"'s) done on time. I have to sit here and wait for everyone else to get their shit together.
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Saturday, April 5, 2008
"Single and ready to mingle!" (both the t-shirt and the framed poster of the t-shirt)
(Nods to the Q'otic M.H. )
(Nods to the Q'otic M.H. )
When the cadence of a co-worker's voice sounds like someone chewing glass. Everytime. They. Shrilly. Fucking. Speak.
When your entire department of 20 people goes out to lunch together and invites everyone but the new guy who started 3 days ago, the 5 temps, and you.
Friday, April 4, 2008
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
There's a girl in the office here who drags her feet when she walks and it sounds exactly like nails scratching a chalkboard. It makes my hair stand on end and, really, there's nothing I can do about it.
Monday, March 31, 2008
That the computer/internet has such power over me that I just found myself alone in my apartment hollering "Oh come on!" at my laptop. It's infuriating. And it's infuriating that it's infuriating.
Fucking wireless router. Seriously, is it completely impossible for me to find a simple fucking wireless router that fucking connects to the fucking internet? Everyone else's wireless routers are working perfectly fine. I can tell because I can see them all with their snooty little pad-lock symbols on my computer screen. What am I doing wrong? What could I possibly be doing wrong? ggggaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh.
Friday, March 28, 2008
Thursday, March 27, 2008
The luxurious private waiting rooms, giant seats and good wines offered to rich airline travelers while the plebians lay in piles on the floor, sit in cramped quarters and have to drink cheap Gallo.
Bloated corporate headquarters that charge their captive workforce to eat at their cafeteria, the only available food for miles around.
Electric cars being successfully produced, and then completely confiscated for working too well. Fucking oil...
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
The weird dude in the creepy red van who pulled up next to me at 11:30 p.m. while I was walking my dog and started a "friendly" conversation. I don't care if you were "just being friendly."
Here's a tip: Nice, friendly men don't pull up a creepy red van and start conversations with young ladies walking their dogs in the middle of the night.
Especially conversations that end with "Hey! You wanna see MY big DOGGIE?" I don't care if you were "just being friendly."
Here's a tip: Nice, friendly men don't pull up a creepy red van and start conversations with young ladies walking their dogs in the middle of the night.
Especially conversations that end with "Hey! You wanna see MY big DOGGIE?"
Having to deal with the creepy feeling of someone else's pee on the back of my right thigh for an entire day because some lady peed on a toilet seat and it seeped through the toilet seat cover and I just can't stop thing about it or feeling the phantom pee on the back of my thigh and even though it's been 5 hours my thigh still feels sort of cold and terrible and I live too far away to go home and take a shower.
The lady in my work building who keeps peeing on the toilet seat.
That's right. "Lady."
Look lady, I don't know how you are managing to do that, but I assure you I am not impressed.
And I want you to stop.
That's right. "Lady."
Look lady, I don't know how you are managing to do that, but I assure you I am not impressed.
And I want you to stop.
Because it didn't occur to me to eat before I left for work (at about 11:30) I will now have to spend $10 at Cosi or some fascist "custom salad" joint to hold me til dinner. Good thing that's about how much money I've made so far this week.
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Bastard people who come out of nowhere and outbid me IN THE LAST FIVE SECONDS on ebay for something that I really needed for the album photo shoot. Goddammit!!
Monday, March 24, 2008
Going into a small liquor store to buy Triple Sec. When I ask the nice man who barely speaks English for "Triple Sec" he looks at me blankly then yells out, "Hey Manuel! Do we have Triple Sex? This girl here wants Triple Sex. Triple Sex!" Then he looks at me and says, "So...what's that for?"
Having to get up at 5:30 AM to catch a flight to D.C. and then read approximately 450 pages of hospitality industry technical jargon during said flight en route to a lengthy and ominous sounding "design immersion" meeting. Ack, corporate world- get thee behind me, Satan!
CBS cancelled Jericho, a show that I was obliged to watch because a friend created it, and now I'm all hooked into it and it's going to die...AGAIN. Humph.
Friday, March 21, 2008
I had to miss a final on Wednesday. Why? The plague - fever, sinus infection, cough, headache, the works. The professor demanded a doctor's note - which pisses me off, because if I were well enough to take the bus to school to go to Student Health, I would have been able to, I don't know, take the bus to the final? Moron. How do these people get Ph.D.s?
Tick-tock. Do Do Do-do. Time keeps on slippin, slippin, slippin...Into the future.
Both the lyric and the notion.
Both the lyric and the notion.
The photographs of people with psychotic wide smiles, and robot-perfect, white teeth, stationed around your dentist's office.
The shivery feeling you get when a dentist is cleaning your teeth and vibrates one of those nerve-endings.
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Emails like this are why I hate Facebook:
Here is what your friends think about...
... your strengths:
most studious
most absentee
... your weaknesses:
person with the best taste in music
Here is what your friends think about...
... your strengths:
most studious
most absentee
... your weaknesses:
person with the best taste in music
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
All the important things I forget on a daily basis and I remember that it's my college boyfriend's birthday today. (And his phone number.) I couldn't be using all this brain matter for something remotely applicable to my life?
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Just being socially stupid and awkward and saying stupid things and feeling like a jerk and this is why I fear being around humans. It's me I don't trust.
Being invited to dinner by someone who never cooks for me and then getting a call asking, "so what are you bringing?"
Friday, March 14, 2008
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Not to mention the vet bills, computer repair, and moving expenses that had to be put on credit cards over the past 6 weeks. Ramen, anyone?
The fact that the only reason I did not owe MORE taxes was because I "saved" $500 by itemizing the $2,500 I spent out of pocket (after modest box office receipts) on a Fringe show last year. So, really, when you think about it, I'm actually out $4K for last year. At least the Philly show was fun!
Owing the government 2K in taxes on spousal support due to not being able to pay the last quarterly estimated payment once my asshole ex-husband suddenly decided to stop paying said support, leaving me no way to pay ANY of the godammned taxes.
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Two and a half years of nonstop back/neck/headache pain, and I only JUST TODAY finally went to a doctor who can actually help me.
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Monday, March 3, 2008
Having said person be a well-intentioned family member so you can't really be cranky with them but neither are they the kind that takes criticism too well so you can't really point out this annoyance even in a sarcastic or teasing sort of way.
People who say a "trendy" cliche, such as "been there, done that," at least once every five sentences.
Promptly followed by your daughter getting bit by a dog with no clear vet and/or vaccine records.
Saturday, March 1, 2008
Friday, February 29, 2008
Thursday, February 28, 2008
knowing that the things i write at 2am i will never publish, and couldn't even if i wanted to because they're crap, and sure its better than when i wasn't writing anything at all, but really, can't i just try to focus on things that might get me somewhere so i can get off this fucking treadmill i call a life?
We did posts 1283 through 1286 - twice. Also I just found out that in addition to that cocksucking theatre ruining EVERYTHING, for example my trip down for the birthday celebration . . . they also conveniently forgot to pay me.
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Overhearing your next-door neighbors, who own horrible ghetto dogs that have barked non-stop for the last year and kept you from ever actually sleeping through the night, complaining about the dogs next door to THEM, for barking.
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Sunday, February 24, 2008
I can get a wireless signal from the coffee shop around the corner, but not from the beeping, flashing, money-sucking boxes in my living room. F U, Time Warner. F U, D-Link.
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Being good hearted and giving up my aisle seat and taking the middle for an unhappy, uncomfortable looking tall man, who then rewards me by loudly drinking his coffee, "Sssssllluuuuurrrrrrrrp! Aaaah!" for 25 loooooong minutes.
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Said the Ralph's Checker lady to me as I buy wine:
"Wooooo! You look young! Let me see your ID."
And upon seeing it:
"Wooooo! You ain't young!"
"Wooooo! You look young! Let me see your ID."
And upon seeing it:
"Wooooo! You ain't young!"
Monday, February 18, 2008
The pyrrhic victory of knowing Spring is on it's way by seeing a spider crawl across my bedspread.
Friday, February 15, 2008
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Monday, February 11, 2008
Dreaming my beautiful cat came back from the dead as a really frightening zombie cat and I had to kill her over and over but she wouldn't stay dead and I woke up crying. Happy Monday.
Said 3 hour meeting getting us no closer to renovating this hotel than any of the previous 3 hour meetings we have had over the course of the past 6 or 7 months. Make up your minds, fat heads. This is not brain surgery. Do you want all new tile AND carpets or just new carpets? Really, that's all you guys have to agree on. We get paid either way, so actually- keep arguing amongst yourselves. Go ahead, go nuts.
A 3 hour meeting in Westlake Village plus 2 hours of drive time and no lunch served as previously promised. If I knew you were going to keep me from basic sustainance for 5 hours in the middle of the day, I would have had more for breakfast.
People sending multiple urgent emails to me instead of calling me on the fucking phone. If it's that big of a deal, pick up the damned phone and dial the 10 or 11 digits. It's actually less keystrokes than an email, you lazy ass purchasing agents.
Shaking arm muscles and feeling your heart beating in your stomach. And I'm not actually talking about sex, I'm talking about 12 boxes and 4 flights of stairs.
6 new neighbors commenting on how much it must suck to move in the night the elevator is broken, yet not offering to carry a single box for even one flight of stairs.
Saturday, February 9, 2008
How many cases of botulism does it take for my Dad to stop eating rotten food from his refrigerator? Answer: apparently one million.
Friday, February 8, 2008
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Does my vote even count? What's up with this calling it at 22% of precincts reporting? Fuck you, Media.
Sunday, February 3, 2008
That if somebody is a member of the Kennedy family then whatever they do or say is for some reason news. Okay, fine if it's Ted who is you know, a long serving Senator but who the hell cares what Maria Shriver or Caroline Kennedy thinks about, well, anything?
Friday, February 1, 2008
Whoever planned the suicide attack on the pet market using mentally disabled women are officially the worst human beings on the entire planet.
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Valentine's Day cards with prefabricated poetry. It's the one day a year we should at least be able to squeeze out an original haiku for our lover, right? They should all be blank cards, and made of velvet and lace and ribbons and feathers. And hand made, while I'm at it.
Expired canned goods. I had no idea I had been carting around cans of inedible crapitude for one or even two previous moving cycles.
Paying some jokers to manage the office server and it crashing once a year when it gets too full. So what does their "maintenance and dignostic fee" actually go towards every month? Can't they maybe see the memory is almost full and provide a solution before the whole thing crashes?
Having to remove 6 door hinges and work a tire iron to remove said locked doors and flip the godammned breaker.
Having your system flushed out, painfully and audibly, by kale, for a good twenty minutes during a dinner party.
Being served kale for the first time in your life at an intimate dinner gathering and then being told "...some people use it to flush their systems out. You know, as a cleanser."
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Just overheard in the office: "I like to keep them separated. I'll go with my wife to a ballet, and I'll go with my wife to a play, but I won't go to a musical." #*%&($#*&%(@&#!
Monday, January 28, 2008
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Having to wonder how much deposit I'll get back, as multiple things have crumbled in this place. Not my fault the landlo' used unsealed plastic pipes under the sink, installed floor base so cheap it is seperating from the walls of its own accord, and used bargain basement window whose locks fall off if you look at them funny.
Cleaning upholstery. Can't it be made a bit easier than a backbreaking hose attachment that covers 3" of material at a shot. Can't that Dyson guy do something about this?
Friday, January 25, 2008
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
The fact that every, single thing in your line of sight at all times is the likely result of an unnecessary meeting.
And that someone was very bored during it.
And that someone was very bored during it.
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Arrogant Marlboro Man co-worker, upon learning Heath Ledger was dead, laughing and exclaiming in oh-so-hilarious fashion, "get your Joker products now!"
Friday, January 18, 2008
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Friday, January 11, 2008
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Monday, January 7, 2008
That there are upwards of 90 Ultimate Fighting Championship compilation DVDs floating around and apparently many people wanting to view them.
Friday, January 4, 2008
Teaching people how to do something on their computer ten times, even WRITING IT DOWN, and the second we're gone...*poof*
Cheerfully sitting through a 25-minute monologue about orthopedic foot inserts and heel spurs.
Having to sit through a militant Christian freaking out that the game Taboo had a card in it in which the clue was "P0rn0graphy."
Having to deal with a 12-year-old in army fatigues telling my vegetarian, animal-loving friend in gory detail about all the bucks he's shot in the head.
Christian school teaching my niece and nephews TONS about the bible and practically NOTHING about anything else practical.
The kids' school marking His Dark Materials books off of their Scholastic book lists so they can't buy them.
The kids not being allowed to see The Golden Compass because their school had a special assembly about it that it's from The Devil.
This person hates that person, and this person can't stand to be around that person, because of wrongs from 30 years ago.
What can only be described as Albuquerque Lethargy, or the sapping of your essential life force that takes place at a slow and insidious rate.
No one in the entire freakin' city of Albuquerque seems to know how to recycle, nor do they care. EVERYTHING goes into the trash.
Thursday, January 3, 2008
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
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