Friday, August 29, 2008


The office guy who is going around with printouts of Sarah Palin from her beauty queen days and talking about how hot she is and how this makes a BIG difference in the McCain campaign. Yes, Virginia, people really ARE that stupid.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008


If you start singing "Hey Jude" in your head and you get to the na na nas, you can't really ever find the ending.


All-night dripping sound in some pipe in the wall making it impossible to sleep, even with earplugs in and pillows over my head.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008


Family member who never voted or was even registered nor cared about politics in any way no matter what encouragement any of us gave is now spamming me with political email forwards ("Why women should vote!") just because said family member's new significant other is into politics.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Spam email re: Angelina Jolie's newborn twins marry each other!


Thursday, August 14, 2008


Update: just learned he left said umbrella at some chick's house, a friend of a friend. And she has since moved. Fucking great.


My friend left my big umbrella at someone's house. He's had literally months to get it back to me. It's currently pouring dayaftertomorrow-style and I'm about to get soaked. Again. I want my fucking umbrella back now! Now now now! Wah!

Monday, August 11, 2008


The city of Los Angeles is trying to shake me down for $15.00 in city business tax because I didn't apply for the Creative Artist Exception in a timely manner. Are you people out of your fucking minds?


City of Los Angeles finance web site deliberately written to confuse you into paying.

Sunday, August 10, 2008


That roommate... he's now clipping his nails right next to me in the kitchen. Which is right next to the bathroom. Which has a door. Behind which people should clip their nails. Guh.


There are not one, but TWO flies in my apartment. I should be able to play it cool. They're just flies right? WRONG! They are the number one way to get my head to explode. You know that person who runs around the house with a rolled up magazine chasing a single fly and never ever catching it because, well because it's a fucking fly? Yeah, that's me.


My current roommate is sitting across from me and he keeps sniffling. But he's not sick -- I'm not a monster -- he's just sniffling. And sighing. And I wish it weren't driving me crazy, but it fucking is.


See 1,534 but add the minor complication that I got myself 85% out of that job for a multitude of reasons ranging from the stifling of professional development to crippling anger, and that I don't want to return from my "hiatus" and yet fear that if I don't return I'll be out on the streets by December. Or worse: my parents'.


See 1,518.